Letter from Ryan #8 04.07.14.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Hey everyone! What's going on?


Another week down! This week was pretty intense. We're slowly getting the area down. The language is
coming slowly. I'm excited I can feel myself being able to speak more and more as time goes on. When
people talk to us, I just look at my companion and ask, " did you get that?" and most of the time he says,
" nope". They don't speak tagolog here so when we first talk to people they don't know that so we
always have to say "tagolog" haha.
 We now have mountain bikes to ride. They're probably the most fun thing ever! We literally are
riding through the rice fields, beaches, and tropical rain forests of the Philippines. With our
appointments far away we have to ride uphill for like 20 minutes straight. The way down is probably the
greatest thing ever. We fly down the hill, probably only pedaling twice. It's the closest thing to air
conditioning we will get.

Since we don't have washing machines, I do my laundry by hand. It's actually surprisingly a lot faster
than by machine. If we're talking about doing stuff by hand... we don't ever have lunch or dinner
appointments. We have to make all of our food because they don't have restaurants here in Bacacay. So
naturally my companion always cooks for us. But since he cooks, I have to do the dishes. Now I'm the
dish washing master. If there was ever an Olympic sport for doing the dishes I would definitely take the
The branch here is really small. So small that we have church over a car garage. There are not enough
members to build an actual chapel yet. But don't worry, we'll change that. Seriously, that is one of our
goals here. Member involvement with the missionary work is difficult for them. They aren't the most
united as a branch. My companion and I were having our weekly planning session and we felt guided to
guess who is teaching.................. yours truly! haha never in my wildest dreams would I have thought
that I would be teaching an English class here. I'm so excited because it's perfect because this will help
unify the branch and gain their trust. Who is going to deny a free English class? So pray that it is
It's crazy how your body adjusts to the climate. I'm not saying that stopped constantly sweating but I'm
actually starting to enjoy the weather so much more. There was something wrong with my camera so I'll send pictures later don't worry.

We're not having the success we're hoping for. I'm starting to know why the Lord has called me to this
area. This area and district is one of the hardest in the mission. I know the Lord has a very specific
purpose for me here. Not just teaching the English class, but the lessons I've learned about myself and
the trials that I've had to face. Joseph Smith taught that the Lord calls us, then grafts us into the
instruments he needs through trials of our faith. I know this for a fact, because the Lord, in the short
time that I've been here, I can feel the grafting of the Lord's hand. Although it's been challenging, I'm
grateful for it. Because it's what I need.

I love you all so much! Until next week.

Elder Hernandez


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