Letter #2 from Ryan. 02.26.14.

Friday, March 14, 2014


Another week down and only five more until the PHILIPPINES! But everything is awesome! I love it here so much! and I finally learned my favorite word in Tagolog..... Ding-Ding which means "wall" haha.

 MOM thank you so much for the package!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE  A LIFE SAVER! haha

  Funny story, every time someone walks in the room  and sees our family picture they always comment on the same two things. First they always comment on how Tyler's beard is so sweet and how after the mission they want to grow one exactly like that. And how in the family picture,  I'm the only one not married...then I jokingly say, " why do you think I'm serving a mission?" haha.

  Crazy news... they made me the zone leader yesterday. Which is crazy because they usually don't call you to zone leader until the fourth week.  The language is slowly coming. The more I learn it, the more I love it. 

 Yesterday  (sunday) was my favorite day of the week by far! First off, they asked me to play the piano in priesthood and sacrament meeting. It was awesome even though I messed up pretty bad both times.  Still rocked it but we sing in tagolog so it makes it difficult to try and follow along because I have no idea on what words they are saying. But it was fun! AND then the fireside was fantastic! The speaker was my favorite by far and got me super pumped to teach the people in the Philippines.  After was the best part. In this zone its tradition that the leaving zone always give a testimony meeting the night before they leave.  It was so powerful!  Missions are the best! ! ! ! ! ! I love it so much.

 I'm still trying to adjust to the sleep schedule. It's so hard to try to be asleep at 10:30, especially when you're not tired. I know that will change when I actually get to the philippines.

 But I love you all so much and I love hearing from you. Keep sending letters, and updating me on sports. It's what I live for! 
 P-day is the best day ever! The day we get to wear normal clothes!!  I don't think I would be able to survive without my everyday basketball games. It's a bummer they don't allow us to play soccer, but it's alright.  Everyone here is obsessed with playing 4 square... yes, like we did in elementary school. Everyone treats it like the Olympics, and takes is so serious. It's kinda hilarious.

 CHAD HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! For your birthday, and only for your birthday..... this is the only time I will ever say, "GO UTES!"....(.except when they play BYU.) But I love you so much! DAD, thanks for coming through in the clutch with my sports updates. I got so pumped to find out that BYU beat gonzaga.

 I love you all so much! 

Elder Hernandez 


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